Friday, August 29, 2008

Banks are biggest Forex scalpers

Yes, you heard it right. Banks are the most aggressive scalpers on the market that anyone else.

Just think about it, we are told that scalping is a wrong strategy, that there is so much noise in the market on small time frames that it is impossible to trade is profitably in the long run, that scalping never fits strict money management rules..

Yet, millions are spinning in the hands of skillful bankers, who enter and exit in a tight margin of few seconds, barely holding positions more than a minute.
Banks scalp heavily. Rear insiders, who saw banks' trading approach confirm in forums and private discussions that banks do scalp, and, in fact, scalping is the only strategy they use! Even when bank is losing they quickly pull all funds out and then look elsewhere for other profit opportunities to cover losses. Also banks always(!) get better quotes and thus are always few steps ahead of other Forex participants. In total sum, banks rarely lose!

Us, we struggle with long term investments, pay rollovers, get whipsaws, see winning positions turning into losers of becoming break even... Our trading experience is rich, what can we say.

Scalping is good! Not easy to master, but hard work pays of. Also among successors in Forex, there are lots of scalpers.

To successful scalping!